Well, hey everyone! This is OpawapO and I have just recently started my blogging. does that mean that i have to make an opening speech?..hehe...anyways, welcome to my blog which i have decided to call the Goings on of a Palindrome..hehe...if you didn't notice my identification on this avenue reads exactly the same both ways..hehe..which is what we call a palindrome. Featured here will be a few of the interesting and recent news about anything and everything under the sun and some of my "computer-chair musings" as well..so come and check me out every now and then..oh yeah, dont be surprised if you come to my page and find it different because i'll be changing the look of my blog real soon. Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. by the ways, that's Blooregard Q. Kazoo, you can just call him Bloo...the coolest and sarcastic character I've ever known. He's pretty cool though..
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